Liquid Waste

Identify and dispose of your liquid waste within your duty of care.

Most of the time, liquid waste is composed of contaminated water, usually from a treatment plant. However, sometimes a liquid waste may be something else such as hydrocarbons (fuels), effluent, or other hazardous substances.

We deal with all types of liquid waste and use our simple method of identification, interpretation and quantification to ensure that we always follow the duty of care and dispose of your waste correctly.


The Procedure

Identifying Liquid Waste

Liquid waste should always be analysed by an independent waste analysis company to determine its composition. This is an important step because you can’t usually tell what a liquid waste is made up of on sight. Though most liquid wastes aren’t hazardous, you must be sure before you dispose to be certain that you are acting in accordance with your duty of care.

Interpret – Allocating the Correct Waste Code

Once the liquid has been tested, the waste analysis company will allocate the correct waste code. This will decide how the waste should be carried and disposed of later on.

Quantifying Liquid Waste

Quantifying the composition of the liquid waste is key to deciding whether it is hazardous or not. For example, if your contaminated water contains a heavy metal, the percentage of the heavy metal present will determine whether the waste is hazardous or not.


Disposing of Liquid Waste

The type of liquid waste you have will usually determine the disposal method but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t options to reuse or recycle some liquid wastes.

Sludge is a great example here. Though the sludge itself might be regarded as hazardous waste if it has come from a water treatment plant, it is still suitable for spreading on land because the metals that have been captured are perfect for creating ideal growing conditions in the soil.

Have a Liquid Waste related question?


Speak to one of our waste experts now on 0333 301 0705